Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    Maxillofacial Surgery

    Maxillofacial surgery is a unit created to respond to the needs of people at the point of improving various dental problems. Various problems such as root tip resections, fractures or dislocations in the jaw area, tumor or cyst formations are solved within the scope of maxillofacial surgery . Since jaw surgery operations are performed under general anesthesia, there is no need for patients to be afraid.

    What is Maxillofacial Surgery?

    Maxillofacial surgery operations, which are involved in the improvement of various dental problems of patients of all ages, play an active role in eliminating dental problems. Information about jaw surgery, which takes on roles such as regulating tooth discoloration, is as follows:

    • Aesthetic restorative procedures are possible with jaw surgery.
    • Healing interventions such as root canal treatment and lamina veneer restorations are performed.
    • In the treatment of inflamed teeth, it can be healed with jaw surgery interventions using a method that will improve the patient.
    • It is possible to intervene with jaw surgery at the point where an emergency occurs in any matter related to the teeth.

    What Should Be Done Before Maxillofacial Surgery?

    Maxillofacial surgery, which is performed using the general anesthesia method in which the consciousness is inactivated with the help of drugs, is performed in full-fledged operating environments. General anesthesia is applied according to the patient’s problem. Depending on the level of the problem, procedures can be performed with local or general anesthesia for pediatric or adult group patients. Things to do before jaw surgery are as follows:

    • Preparations are made by deciding on the treatment method needed by passing the preliminary examination of the people.
    • Anesthesia resistance is determined by evaluating the patient’s past diseases, medications, and surgeries, if any, during the preliminary preparation process.
    • At the point where no problem is detected, the patient is asked to be ready at that time by specifying the day and time of the treatment.
    • Operations can be performed with sedation as well as general anesthesia. In this method, the patient is connected to the monitor and the pulse and blood pressure data are followed. Doctor commands can be followed by the patient.

    Where is Maxillofacial Surgery Performed?

    Maxillofacial surgery, which should be performed by specialists graduated from the faculty of dentistry, should be performed in the operating room environment. If the patient develops any complications during the operation, emergency intervention should be possible. Information about where jaw surgery should be performed is as follows:

    • Every operation that requires surgical intervention should be performed in fully-fledged operating rooms of hospitals.
    • The chin area is important because it is an anatomical region that provides the basic needs of people and intervention is required to avoid a critical situation in a possible problem.
    • Another important advantage of doing it in a hospital environment is that if the patient has another illness and this recurred during the surgery, help can be obtained from other polyclinic officials.
    • In environments where anesthesia is insufficient, risky situations may arise as the patient will not be fully intervened. In such cases, the life of the patient is also in danger.

    In order to prevent all these and more scenarios, jaw surgery interventions should be performed by specialist physicians in a competent hospital environment.

    What are the Risks of Maxillofacial Surgery?

    There is a simultaneous risk ratio in all operations that require surgical intervention. Side effects of anesthesia can be observed in surgical interventions that require anesthesia. At this point, the risks of jaw surgery are as follows:

    • Problems such as weakness, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, swelling, bruising, pain in various areas may occur.
    • Complications to be experienced will pass within 1 or 2 days and are not permanent.
    • In case of any problem other than anesthesia, a specialist physician who can intervene directly is needed. At this point, choosing a doctor is an important detail.
    • The selected physician should have previous experience in the neck and head area.

    What is the Recovery Process After Maxillofacial Surgery?

    Recovery times after jaw surgery vary from patient to patient. The recovery period after jaw surgery is as follows:

    • In general, recovery times vary between 1 and 3 weeks.
    • In this process, factors such as the age of the patient and the presence of chronic disease play an important role.
    • It is necessary to act quickly in order to minimize blood and fluid loss without too much edema in the patient.

    Is Maxillofacial Surgery a Painful Process?

    Although many patients believe that dental operations will be painful, there is no pain to be feared in this process. Jaw surgery pain sensation can be kept under control with painkillers applied after the procedure. Although edema formation and increased pain are observed after jaw surgery , this ends in 1 to 2 days.



    • It is the surest solution to jaw ailments.
    • An aesthetic appearance can be obtained.
    • Operations are performed with general anesthesia.
    • After a few days of pain, healing begins.
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